понедельник, 8 августа 2011 г.

The increase in deliveries to the plant NN Harjavalta

Ministry of Economic Development authorized the "Norilsk Nickel" did not pay duty on the metal produced for export from imported concentrate, told Bloomberg deputy director of "Norilsk Nickel" Sergei Buzov. The company has already implemented the first test the delivery of nickel and copper concentrates from the Brazilian Votorantim Metais on its production facility in the Murmansk region, the agency reports. This was the third-party material, which was previously supplied by the Finnish plant Harjavalta, owned by MMC. The volume of deliveries in the company did not say.

Prior to that, "Norilsk Nickel" did not use the tolling scheme in Russia. Now this was done in order to increase the load of domestic enterprises, the Company explained. Probably, this practice will continue. "In order to obtain better economic benefit, it was decided the raw material supplied for processing to the Finnish company Harjavalta Oy, was sent to the Kola Peninsula", - added the "Norilsk Nickel". According to Bloomberg, the company in the future does not exclude the possibility of refining in Russia and its own concentrate from the Australian and Asian assets. However, we are talking about small amounts the company says.

Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Yury Trutnev

In the northern city of a working visit to the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Yury Trutnev. He met with leaders of the Polar Division and representatives of state and local government bodies dealing with ekologii.Yury tour came to Norilsk to get acquainted with the state of affairs in the city-forming enterprise. In the management of the Polar Division, he held a meeting on the environmental situation in the area of ​​the company's business and environmental safety. The meeting was attended by the director of the Polar Division Eugene Ants, his deputy for technology policy and industrial ecology Sergei Eroshevich, chief engineer, Vladimir Zaitsev, as well as representatives of the municipality, and Rosprirodnadzor Hydromet. Everyone knows that - one of the greatest companies in terms of ecology and that he got pretty old technology. At the same time, we understand that others do it for one day is impossible. There is no switch to switch - and tomorrow everything was fine. The main thing - it's a trend. It is important that the company now makes a lot of to upgrade and to inform the public about the environment. At the meeting we talked about how to improve this work further.

вторник, 2 августа 2011 г.

Norilsk Nickel increases tax payments

The site russian location
August 1, 2011 - OJSC "MMC" Norilsk Nickel "(hereinafter referred to MMC" Norilsk Nickel "or the Group Company) informs about the size of their tax deductions for the first half of 2011.

MMC "Norilsk Nickel" plays an important role in social and economic life of the regions of. The company is the largest taxpayer and employer, the majority of companies in the Group have the status of company towns.

MMC "Norilsk Nickel" is registered and conducts its principal operations in the territory of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the Company pays all taxes in Russia, making a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of regions. Tax revenues of the Company's account for a significant share of the budgets of Krasnoyarsk Krai and Murmansk region.

For the first six months of 2011 budgets at all levels only MMC "Norilsk Nickel" (without the rest of the Group) listed the 836.56 million U.S. dollars, up 228.45 million U.S. dollars more than the same period in 2010. Of these, income tax amounted to 678.67 million U.S. dollars.

Videos from the window.

It is very difficult to get home alone. Especially the little boy. It happens that the guests travel by taxi for a distance of 50 meters, just imagine. Why?! just easier.  

Fishing on Lake Deep

In July 1987 we have planned fishing trip on Lake Kutoramakan. The group included Michael, Gavrilych, Alex Chumak and Vasilych. Sasha refusal on the eve of departure has led to a complete change of plan the campaign. Instead of the lake Kutoramakan had to go to the lake deep.

On the river flood peak was Norilka, spring was late. The strength of flow was such that the motor-boat against the current to pull only two vortices. We were able to persuade captains of the river fleet to throw us to the lake deep. Along the way, the captains have taught us to catch trout and grayling, gave us a fly from bear fur. Trolling spoon made ​​of - stainless steel. Our gear they rejected. In fact the fish was caught only donated their equipment.

The camp we put on a cape in the place where the river empties into the lake Gudok deep.

History Norilsk

The presence in the area of ​​modern Norilsk mining people were known in the Bronze Age: near Lake Pyasino found parking people of the Bronze Age, found where the primitive equipment for melting and casting, and materials (beads of native copper).
 In the XVI-XVII century copper deposits of Norilsk residents Mangasee used. Mangazeya - city, located above the Arctic Circle on the river Taz, the status of this polar village was in 1603. Mangazeya was trade and craft center, during the excavations in 1972-1975 years Mangasee Professor MI Belov was discovered extensive casting yard. In stock copper products, found in Mangazeya attended by platinum, which indicates that the ore for smelting were brought from the Noril'sk deposits. Mangasee decline in the second half of XVII century is associated with the order of the government of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ban walk to Mangazeya by sea. This measure was due to government concerns over the integrity of the Siberian border, as the Northern Sea Route attracted Western European countries (England, Holland) as a possible way to India. The sea route to Mangazeya was closed on the Yamal portage was made strelets cordon. At the end of the XIX century merchant KM Sotnikov attempted to smelt copper from Norilsk ore, he was able to smelt about three tons of blister copper, after which he has built oven collapsed due to uneven rainfall permafrost.

"Life in Norilsk - the constant extreme"

Who wants this blog. It will show the life of the city and Norilsk Nickel, Norilsk branch specifically. Maybe in the future we get to Australia or the re-opening Botswana etc.
Main aim is to show the essence keep body and soul together cities and city-forming enterprises. Norilsk will not be able to live without the company, Norilsk without employees. While migrant workers are needed from them to go. Fina is the guest-worker, the Germans.
Interesting article from the lives of workers and their children. School, sports complex is, factories, pipelines, slurry pipeline...